The Oklahoma winds blow weed seeds in sometimes, I think from 2 states over and 2 states up. I have learned more about different weed types, than I have plant types, the last couple of years since moving to Oklahoma.
To combat these pesky rascals in my Oklahoma garden,I use a regiment of mulch in my beds, an application of corn gluten meal, some good ole hand pulling and watering adequately. Remember weeds hate healthy soil.
Enough said…I have been on a photographic mission revolving around common weeds in Oklahoma. Most all of these weeds are treated as “broad leave”.
Annual Bluegrass
Black Medic
Annual or cool season perennial.
Reproduces by seed
Shallow rooted with bright yellow flowers.
Non Chemical Control is to hand pull
Chemical Control: apply post emergent broad leaf herbicide during active periods of growth…fall and spring.
Bind Weed or Creeping Jenny
Bull Nettle
Reproduces by seed
Spiny coarse plant that when mature has a large reddish purple flower that occur summer through fall.
Poor open turf areas are perfect for the nettle.
Non Chemical: Has a large tap root and will need to be dug out.
Chemical Control:
Bushy Aster
Carolina Geranium
Carpet Grass
Carpet Weed
Chick Weed
Crab Grass
Cud Weed
Curly Dock
Dallis Grass
Evening Primrose
Johnson Grass
Perennial grass
reproduces by seed and has an extensive underground root system.
Nut Grass
Prickly Lettuces
Purslane (Common0
Summer annual
Reproduces by Seed
Tolerates drought and likes rich fertile soil.
Non Chemical Control: maintain dense turf and hand pull.
Chemical Control:Broadleaf herbicide
Rag Weed
Winter annual that reproduces by seed.
Flowers are small, white with 4 petals.
Loves thin poor turf.
Non Chemical Control: healthy dense turf, hand pull.
Chemical control: apply post emergent broadleaf herbicide during periods of growth..mid spring and again in fall.
Vetch (Narrowleaf)
Wood Sorrel/Yellow Oxalis
Can you identify all the different weeds
Oklahoma’s “Original” Red Dirt Gardener